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Man what the hell is with the SH maps?
Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default Man what the hell is with the SH maps? - 12-05-2002, 01:29 AM

Alright I've just about been fed up with the shittiness of SH maps. I played on every map in every kind play, realism and stock, etc.... All I have to say is that the original maps are fuckin better. Everything looks to un-realistic and happy. Holland? gimme a break more like "EA map designers got high and went to Disney World". Brest.. hmm let's make a hole in the ground! Yea that'll add to the already error filled game! OOH! What about Untersite! Talk about your spawn camping-closed in- chop filled map! The only good maps on SH are the tow maps. Berlin is good, Ardeness is brilliant, but for god sakes TDM maps blow like Elton John at a truck stop!

Stadt is alright, at best it's mediocore..

Gewitter is always nice, but I liked it when it was called THUNDER!

Basically it's 1 AM here and got done playing a full day of SH and AA, only to discover, and like Strik0r has posted many times, that I pissed away 30 bucks on this crapola.

Also this goes out to EA! eh hem "Get off your lazy asses, your fucked up non commuting corprate assholes"
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Default 12-05-2002, 01:58 AM

Yes, at first I thought they were okay, but they just plain suck. Almost everything about this games is whack. EA is never going to release a patch. so wtf. What a waste of time this game was.
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Default 12-05-2002, 02:44 AM

Haha, they got high and went to Disney...I like that!

The only maps I can stand right now are the Tug-of-War maps...namely Berlin and Flughafen. I think Berlin is the best out of all the maps. It's layed out nicely, and has that rough-texture to make you feel like you are actually on a battlefield in 1945. Hopefully some more maps will come out with that same feel.
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Re: Man what the hell is with the SH maps?
Zoner is Offline
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Default Re: Man what the hell is with the SH maps? - 12-05-2002, 10:52 AM

[quote="Airborne Butters":9850c]OOH! What about Untersite! Talk about your spawn camping-closed in- chop filled map![/quote:9850c]

I agree there. I find myself chucking a smoke grenade at my feet when I'm at the spawn point. The spawn killing is out of control on that map.

I'd love to see the TOW maps converted to TDM, but overall, I don't have too much problem with the existing TDM maps. I do kinda miss Algiers, though...heh heh.

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Default 12-05-2002, 10:55 AM

to add on to that, the game feels like BF:1942 more then a Medal of Honor game.

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Default 12-05-2002, 11:34 AM

First of all I don't think the maps are that bad. Ok Brest isn't too bad its a rip off of DV, but it still has some fun parts and some good areas for close and long range fightning. Bahnholf is not too bad, pretty fun. I do agree that Holland is way to bright and cheery for a Battle. Ok ubersitte sucks, I agree totaly with this, I have removed it from my rotation. I have no problem with the other maps either Malta, Bazaar, and Vershniete(Sp?) are ok. I also like the TOW maps too, but on a small server they don't work as well. Its funny the maps I can't stand are the ones that the contest winners made Gewhitter and Stadt are boring to me. As far as the Spawn killing goes, I have done what the guys on the MOB server have done and increased the invulnerability time to 5-8 seconds to keep spawn killing campers to a minimum.

I don't know what you are looking for, maybe you (and everyone else who's been complainging about SH) had way to high of expectations of the expansion. Its just a game, and believe me if they made a map you liked someone on this forum would, come post a complaint how they didn't like it.

I have been playing video games for a long time and no game has really kept me interested in playing continuosly like MOH, I find as with probably most people on this forum, that we get a little to involved with playing and forget that this is just a game.

Not trying to be an ass, im just making an observation of what I see alot around here (myself included).
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Default 12-05-2002, 03:13 PM

So Holland is bright and cheery. Never having been there I'm sure there where battles that started out in bright and cheery places. I would rather have variety then a whole bunch of bombed out building maps. As far as wasting your money. Wasting money is when you buy something, use it once, then never use it again. I have to assume that the majority of those that don't like spearhead that post here ARE still playing it. If you're still playing it you've not waited your money. Those that aren't playing it probably aren't posting here. I suggest that for those who don't like the game give to someone else. True you may have spent $30 on the game but consider it a Christmas present to that person you give the game to.
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Default yeah - 12-05-2002, 06:43 PM

I think that some of the maps suck. But not all of them. there is one map (i forget what one) but they have on of the mortars in a really shity spot. You cant even see what your trying to hit. Its crap like this that makes me not like a map.
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Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default 12-05-2002, 07:29 PM

Holland wouldn't be that bad if they made more of it accesible. It's confined to a couple buildings and shitty railway track. All the doors where you think "ahh man, I can pick off some people up there" are the locked ones. Theres not to much cover... and although I hate snipers, those windmills would be an excellent vantage point. Untersite is just plain crap in a flaming bag.. Also alot of the maps seem so much smaller and closed in. The desert level (forget what it's called..w/the maket?) is so patehtically designed. I mean come on EA, I know you make lots of games but we expect a little more than "shitty" standards from you, although thats all we've recived! I swear to god, this game is like HL games! Everything good about it revolves around the community! Like Crow King with his autokick and realism! I like how EA slipped that in SH and tried making it look like it was theres. Fireable Flak 88's thanks to Powell! Plus where are the tanks? or REAL deployable MG's! Seems like all the good maps are custom ones.. like Thunder 2 is looking verrrrry nice (a.k.a Gewitter why?). Island Assault is so much fun! Omaha 2 is great!
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Default 12-05-2002, 10:51 PM

Here's my take, map by map.
Bahnhof: Good, not much of a problem spawn killing, allies and axis have multiple ways out of their spawn and the electrecuting wire is badass

Bazaar: Good, Spawn killing can get kinda bad, but not horrible, its fun to sneak around in the market itself.

Brest: OK, spawn killing can get bad for the allies, but its pretty good map, seems small at first, but there's a lot of places to go.

Gewitter: Great, mortars, fog, busted buildings. Its Thunder retextured basically, and I like it.

Holland: Looks good graphically, but slow fps and not so great gameplay. It can get too short range for snipers, and too long range for mg's, so its not much fun.

Stadt: Good, again, seems small, but theres a lot of places to go, good map for sniping and mg/smg use. My only gripe is the fog.

Untersite: The pits. Bad gameplay, spawn kill galore, only possible weapon is shotgun.

Verschneit: Excellent. A little bad with the nades, but otherwise, not too bad.

Berlin: Fair, another too long for MGs, and too short for sniping, but I do like the mortar, portable MG42s, flak88, and the AA gun which is awesome for spawn killing, which i guess is encouraged in TOW.

Ardennes: Great. A little slow fps wise, but not too bad. Its a little allied oriented, but it is almost impossible for the allies to blow up the axis base, which with an allied controlled flak, keeps the axis dug in. The nebelwerfer is awesome.

Drukhammern: Pretty good, slow fps wise, but the gameplay isnt too bad, the allies can get the sub in a span of 10 seconds, so it is pretty difficult for the axis, and adds to the urgency.

Flughafen: Awesome. Best TOW map period. Its a lot of fun to play, and I like it.

That's my lengthy take (took me 20 minutes for this lol)
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Default 12-06-2002, 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by redsoccerdevil
Here's my take, map by map.
Bahnhof: Good, not much of a problem spawn killing, allies and axis have multiple ways out of their spawn and the electrecuting wire is badass

Bazaar: Good, Spawn killing can get kinda bad, but not horrible, its fun to sneak around in the market itself.

Brest: OK, spawn killing can get bad for the allies, but its pretty good map, seems small at first, but there's a lot of places to go.

Gewitter: Great, mortars, fog, busted buildings. Its Thunder retextured basically, and I like it.

Holland: Looks good graphically, but slow fps and not so great gameplay. It can get too short range for snipers, and too long range for mg's, so its not much fun.

Stadt: Good, again, seems small, but theres a lot of places to go, good map for sniping and mg/smg use. My only gripe is the fog.

Untersite: The pits. Bad gameplay, spawn kill galore, only possible weapon is shotgun.

Verschneit: Excellent. A little bad with the nades, but otherwise, not too bad.

Berlin: Fair, another too long for MGs, and too short for sniping, but I do like the mortar, portable MG42s, flak88, and the AA gun which is awesome for spawn killing, which i guess is encouraged in TOW.

Ardennes: Great. A little slow fps wise, but not too bad. Its a little allied oriented, but it is almost impossible for the allies to blow up the axis base, which with an allied controlled flak, keeps the axis dug in. The nebelwerfer is awesome.

Drukhammern: Pretty good, slow fps wise, but the gameplay isnt too bad, the allies can get the sub in a span of 10 seconds, so it is pretty difficult for the axis, and adds to the urgency.

Flughafen: Awesome. Best TOW map period. Its a lot of fun to play, and I like it.

That's my lengthy take (took me 20 minutes for this lol)
Well Said...

I know some the diehards around here are bashing SH, but I think with a patch and some mods it could be the future of MOH. You can incorportate the good maps from AA and all of the customs from this site and others. I just think SH needs time to work the kinks out.
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Default 12-06-2002, 03:43 AM

Originally Posted by Argon
I just think SH needs time to work the kinks out.
Right, like the respawn bug in MOH:AA; or the holes in the map, or the ladder hack ... they'll work out the SH kinks the same way they did those AA kinks.

Therein lies the problem. EA has already gotten the money from SH sales, why bother doing additional work for free? People keep saying *patch* will fix it all. I will believe it when I see it. Afterall, they have already forstalled on the patch delivery so they can finish the BF1942 expansion. Why? Cause the BF1942 expansion will generate revenue. An SH patch will not.
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Default 12-06-2002, 05:05 AM

I played two nights of spearhead...then after that I went back to good ol mohaa... I just can't play just ain't classic mohaa to me....not fond of the spearhead maps. Muthafuckin EA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Default 12-06-2002, 08:45 AM

That's why I'm back with Omaha & V2.

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Default 12-06-2002, 08:52 AM

EA killed the whole War games scene when they released Spear Head.
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