[quote="Sniper Wolf [USAR]":78937]I did not add any boxes.[/quote:78937]
[quote="Sniper Wolf [USAR]":78937]
I added a EXTRA box for the front sight, and a EXTRA tube for the hider on the barral. [/quote:78937]
Right. So...did you or did you not add an a box?
[quote="Sniper Wolf[USAR]":78937]
RUNGSI since you dont model I dont want your advise cuz you don't even know how I modeled it.
Where did he state he didn't model? And what does the fact that he doesn't know what process you went through with the program have to do with anything? You asked for criticism. He's a member of the target audience. This is a standard fact with graphic artists. People don't know how the Final Fantasy Movie was done. They don't care either. They want to see a good movie- and that's what they'll pay for.
If he doesn't model, that should make his advice even more valuable to you. The models in Allied Assault are not for modlers- they are for the general public that want to play a game... that has decent, if not excellent models and graphics.
[quote="Sniper Wolf[USAR]":78937]
I would love some crits, but don't go to harsh lol
No, I'd say you want people to compliment your work. He's giving you constructive criticism that IMO is not at all harsh... and you take great offense and dismiss it.
[quote="Sniper Wolf[USAR]":78937]dont try to put your 2 cents in about one trying to tell me how to do my job.
I thought you wanted criticism?
[quote="Sniper Wolf[USAR]":78937]
I have a pro wanting my help on some of his jobs for his movie he is making, and I think I will believe him when he says I model the correct way, seeing he taught me some of my modeling techiques.
"Phad_Vickers" you really think your fooling anyone? Or should I say "Rungsi?" You just joined today, you defend rungsi so hard, I mean you defend yourself so hard.
get a life, grow up, learn how to do something other than run your mouth.
Yes. You got me! I give up. I made up this name entirely, on the spur of the moment just to defend 'myself'.
I just started playing MOH again a few days ago, and came here for the Blood patch and following models got here.
Your hypocrisy, in short 'ruffled my fur' so to speak. So I jumped in. I [I]had[I] planned to ask you what program you were using... until I saw your post.
Believe what you will, I bet you didn't even actually read my post through- oh, and a tip- you just might want to deflate that ego a tad.
By the way, you might want to mention what I thought and Rungsi was pointing out (I may be just starting to get into modeling) but as I recall, 1964 or whatever amount of polys your model is, is just a tad bit high to use in MOH. I don't know what the number is for MOH, but for halflife 900 polys or so was considered to be [B}quite[/B] high, and I believe if you delete the right side of the rifle that would not be seen in MOH's HUD view, the poly count should drop enough to make the gun worthwile.
nice job dude. make a total conversion im up for it even though all i do is skin but im getting better i was thinking os a socom sort of total conversion. you should make the M4A1 SD now same gun but add the silencer.
im making a allied_101st_afghanistan skin cool: not dont yet but the gun will definetly look SWEET with it. (as you know hopefully. the 101st airborne is in afghanistan right now looking for some F*KER (i think you know his name) and i am skinning them)