Location: sitting on my ass at work or crying myself to sleep
hmmm -
10-02-2003, 08:07 PM
I have mixed feelings about this subject. Most FPS have their ups and downs. MOH is a good fps, but BF1924 is better. Although the up coming COD will make for a good WW2 FPS. (Thats as far as WW2 goes)
Now games like Unreal or Doom have thier own special place when it comes to these types of games. Basically, these situations couldnt happen. it is fun but, you get more pleasure (i think) from playing historically accurate games. Not only do you play a game, but you walk away with more respect for what the men and women of world war 2 did for this country and the world.
So as far as FPS go, BF1942 and COD are the best, because of realism and historical presence.
[quote="[GDC]_Polemarcus":e8007]DoomII has set a nice precident, along with Duke Nukem series. I think unless someone revolutionaizes the way FPS are played then the only bar that will be raised is the one in the area of graphics. Thus far I think only BF1942 has touched on the way FPS' are played. If you really think about it game play has remained the same since the 3D environment was introduced.[/quote:e8007]
I am with you totally as far as going back to the originals and setting the bar for FPS's. When they first came out they were "bad" cause it was new and semi-gory. But the games have improved far more in many other areas, think of the computer AI or the mechanics of gameplay and how they have improved. i suggest looking at it like this, play a game like doom for an hour it is great....as far as classic value can go, but then play MOHAA cool: or play halo for all you x-box owners, see what you think
i loved BF1942 and DC because even though they were first person based, it was much more fun to drive all those toys. my defenition of a good FPS doesnt really stress the graphics, its just which one is the most fun. the doom series scared the hell out of me and made me puke all over my sister when i first played it. has anyone heard of a game called 'serious sam?' that was a good one too. i guess it depends on what you are in the mood for. sometimes i like to blow shit up, or i like to get my squad base action. as for COD, it is pretty intense, and im sure im going to buy it the first day its out. But the best FPS totally has to be mad dog mcree, right? the_finger:
i watched the HL2 600 meg movie and i was in AWE it was visually stunning......i am so eagar to bite my teeth into that game.....it will most definatly change the way games are played...it's going to rock! rock:
Well in the history of FPS there are landmark games that have set the bar for all others.
Wolfinstien 3d - the very first.
Quake II
Half Life
Medal Of Honour: Allied Assault
The question is, is who will set it next? I dont see CoD as being the one as its really what MOH:AA was meant to be before EA & 2015 had that messy breakup.
Look to HL2 or MOH:PA or there are a number of others that are comming out next year to set the bar.