I hate people who have to be in a band to play with somebody else. Why don't you just play with them for a while until you get the hang of each other. Then if you write music together call yourself a band.
I hate people who have to be in a band to play with somebody else. Why don't you just play with them for a while until you get the hang of each other. Then if you write music together call yourself a band.
Good point dont go around calling yourselves a band yet. Also talk to guarnere he was in a band.
I know so many people around my town that are in bands and don't do shit. And they force themselves to play together(and fucking most of them are death metal shit bands). My friends are just getting together and playing, and it's much more fun. We don't know how to play drums but there's a kit at his moms and its fun to cover shit. Play Back in Black all the time. Good shit.
definately cover songs before you write unless you have tried composing before...when covering try to improvise in some areas and change some parts to get the feel of new music...change tempo, dynamics, keys, or even the notes