I watched it live on BBC world news this morning before work. you heard this huge explosion all of a sudden and everyone just started running. it seriously spooke dme because i knew it was live. who knew what was going to happen?
some of the terrorists escaped, ruskies let them get away. i dont get it, one of the first rules of a police standoff is to secure the crime scene. ever heard of surrounding the building? russia must be short staffed or something.
This disgusts me. Anytime a small child gets hurt over some bullshit like this eats at me. These people (if you can call them that) are the lowest of the low. Fucking cowards!!
[quote="Old Reliable":b6136]meh, im sick of people calling them lowest of the low. if they are so low, then why do they win? rolleyes:[/quote:b6136]
Think it thru dumbo, they can only "win" their pathetic "victories" by stooping to these
levels and continually displaying to the world that they are indeed the lowest of the low.