Originally Posted by yves
that school is one hour from where i live..
Duh Doom Da Da Doom Da Da Doom.*brief pause* Hi, I'm Jeanne Walters reporting tonight for Fox2 news, Scott Curry has the night off. Breaking News out of Tjes county, Local police there have reported 4 girls ranging from ages 13-17 missing. The girls allegedlly were attending a friday night basketball game when a man with the words "yves owns joo" printed on the front approached them and led them away to his van and raped them. We are pleased to report that the girl's however are
not in any harm of becoming pregnant. The guy who everyone is now labeling the "Tjesville rapist", has been diagnosed as being the most sterileness person in Tjesville. Wow, *Laughs* Po- Po- pPolice are now in a hot pursuit with the van and hope to get the girls back safely. For more on this we go to skychopper 2..[/b]