delta 1 omg, at the end chuck shoots a nade out of his tail pipe which lands directly into a terrorist's car. they wore these black uniforms with ropes hanging from the shoulder in the desert
delta 1 omg, at the end chuck shoots a nade out of his tail pipe which lands directly into a terrorist's car. they wore these black uniforms with ropes hanging from the shoulder in the desert
it's an M-203 attached to the back of the cycle biggrin:
some one better not say battlefield earth, that movie kicked ass
but the worst was definitaly Pearl Harbor, except for the part on dolittle's raiders, that was pretty cool
delta 1 omg, at the end chuck shoots a nade out of his tail pipe which lands directly into a terrorist's car. they wore these black uniforms with ropes hanging from the shoulder in the desert
it's an M-203 attached to the back of the cycle biggrin:[/quote:fdcf6]
delta 1 omg, at the end chuck shoots a nade out of his tail pipe which lands directly into a terrorist's car. they wore these black uniforms with ropes hanging from the shoulder in the desert
it's an M-203 attached to the back of the cycle biggrin:[/quote:96f78]
delta 1 omg, at the end chuck shoots a nade out of his tail pipe which lands directly into a terrorist's car. they wore these black uniforms with ropes hanging from the shoulder in the desert
it's an M-203 attached to the back of the cycle biggrin:[/quote:93982]
and Germ is right the movie is terrible. Anything with Chuck Noris has the same theme. Some want to be ninja kicks the crap out of tons of people, and he eventually rises the hero.
everything was wrong with it from acting to story line hake:
That's not s movie you moron
Plus based on a true storyline and the acting was great
The worst movies ever has to lord of the rings: fellowship of the ring and star wars episode 2: attack of the clones because I fell asleep in the cinama watching them