1st Lieutenant
Posts: 4,807
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Ottawa, Ont, Canada

08-16-2003, 06:46 PM
I had just gotten home from my friends house, I was sitting down and was about to catch the end of some movie on TMN and i'm sitting there and just with a snap of my fingers, the power is gone, and normally when the power goes out here, it goes off for about 5 mins, after 10 minutes I knew something wasn't right, so I stepped outside onto my front steps with my dog waiting for my parents to come home, I sit down and notice the street lights are out.
So I go back inside and call my buddy, he says they lost power and so did Kanata, so here I am thinking holy shit, and we had no batteries, 15 candles and 7 matchs, so for dinner we eat tuna sandwiches and from 6 till 6:30 we listened to a walkman with a radio, so I called up my friend Anthony, and we got Mike and went swimming at his house, I left anthony's around 9:30, and it was dark, I almost ran into a guy who was wearing white, I couldn't see him till I was about 2 metres away, so I get home, and me and my sis walk over to our aunt's house (down the street) and they are all outside just hanging, so we goto the park with my cousin and her friends, and by 11 we went inside, me, my cousin (Rebecca) my sis (meg) and my cousin's friend Christa, we played tongue, bullshit, ass and uno, and skippo all night, we were all just sitting on the couches at about 1 AM and boom, the power comes on, so we make pop corn, and watch "Soritity Boys" and just as that finished the power dies again, so I goto bed, wake up, no power, so i go back to Anthony's and we swim and we are just chillin in his pool, and his dad comes out, "We have power" so we just stay in the pool, and come out and watch TV and go biking. thats my story. Power was out for close to 20 hours.