Originally Posted by "Fluffy_Bunny":5b485
ITS AMERICAN oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo:
THATS LIKE SINGING THE MARSAILLES IN GERMAN! annoy: annoy: annoy: annoy: annoy: annoy: annoy: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss:
stop nicking our bloody stuff damnit!
I sure hope you're kidding, otherwise you're one huge asshole if you don't mind me saying.
The fact that you can't comprehend someone reading ( even if they're American, as if it matters anyways ) A War of the Worlds by HG Wells and being inspired to make a movie to share this great story( even if it's based loosely on the original novel ) to the public frightens me. Are you really that ignorant or just drunk?
Either way, the 1953 film was American, and no one seemed to care back then.[/quote:5b485]
Try to understand my perspective, you are taking a famous British book and turning it into an American perspective. You did it with Peter Pan, Romeo & Juliet & now you're doing it with War of the Worlds, nothing is sacred.
Actually, it's taken the Novel since it's birth was in 1898, and twisting it with a modern story so it can appeal to the modern public as it did in 1953. HG Wells was given credit for the story in the movie, and I'm sure he will in the new one. If you don't agree with the movie, don't see it. The movie company decided to make this movie, not the American public which is "stealing it" and turning it to " our " perspective ( do you know how many people live in Pennsylvania alone? ) This movie may be made in America, but does that literally mean it's an American movie? Oh yeah we decided to have a good ol' election one week to decide if Speilberg would direct or if Tom Cruise would star or even what script would be used in the remake of "War of the Worlds"
Trust me when I say I know a lot of people who enjoy reading, and they know War of the Worlds is a novel. They know who HG Wells is and they appreciate what he has done for Literature.
I think you're just generalizing everything and claiming that just because something is american or you've heard it on the news it manifests the thoughts of millions of unique minds.
Philadelphia Killing Mach is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. rolleyes: