Originally Posted by Zoner
No, I said "shit" once and "dogshit" once. Subtle difference, ya see.
Zoner, it fucking sucks getting coffee, pop, ect all over yourself.. IT IS DISGUSTING. I know because I am ONE of those cleaners.
AND just for the record I put up with this bullshit day in and day out, BUT I NEVER LEAVE A FUCKING NOTE. Only some pussy ass mother fucker would leave a note bitching about it.
Just a few things I have to deal with on a dialy basis @ work.
-Shit splatter/ explosive crap spurts all over the bowl.
-Tampons thrown in the wrong disposal, then falling out onto the ground and I have to figure a way to pick it up without hurling.
-GUM everywhere all over the garbage.I usaully just change the bag....
-Swarms of bugs attacking me while I clean outer windows by any light source.
-People using your garbage buggy as a personal place to dump anything they want. (such as food..... and drinks)
-Rude notes from people in the building such as "THIS IS GARBAGE "giant frown face on the bin)
-Fat bitch to lazy to bend over and throw her crap in the bin, misses every other peice and leaves it all on the floor.
-COMPLAINTS. day in day out you get complaints about lots of stupid little crap, OMG THERE WAS DUST ON THE THERMOSTAT !, or DEAR GOD YOU MISSED A TINY BIN OF GARBAGE OUT OF THE 268 BINS !!... THE LIST goes on, I have even as of late gotten a complaint for the growt being wet whne it was just the humididty in the building.
-Cleaners take a lot of crap, and you should cut them a break, it seems as if this guy has snapped and just won't take it. You should have just thrown the note out and forgotten about it. eek: