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Default 09-14-2003, 12:06 PM


[quote:a2da5]When I was in Cali for training one year, it happened to be the same time as some elections. ONe thing on the ballot was repealing of Affirmitive Action, it passed. I watched TV and saw all the cry babies saying how can I provide for myself and my family now, I will never be able to get a job. What a joke, blaming your race/color for your not being able to get a job or succede in the world.[/quote:a2da5]

Are you a minority. No? Do you have any idea the racism - even the subconcious racism - that is perpetrated against minorities EVERY damn day. For a seemingly "intelligent" person to come out and make the argument or assumption that people in power can be trusted to make the RIGHT decision and leave race out of it - just shows a WHOLE hell of a lot. No sir, it's not folks like me - its blind low-class ignorant sob's like yourself, comfortable in YOUR skin, wondering why all them dang minorities cant be as as succesful as you, who make it certain that race IS used as a standard for hiring or firing someone, and other inequities in life.

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AADiC_ is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 12:10 PM


[quote:19ae7]When I was in Cali for training one year, it happened to be the same time as some elections. ONe thing on the ballot was repealing of Affirmitive Action, it passed. I watched TV and saw all the cry babies saying how can I provide for myself and my family now, I will never be able to get a job. What a joke, blaming your race/color for your not being able to get a job or succede in the world.[/quote:19ae7]

Are you a minority. No? Do you have any idea the racism - even the subconcious racism - that is perpetrated against minorities EVERY damn day. For a seemingly "intelligent" person to come out and make the argument or assumption that people in power can be trusted to make the RIGHT decision and leave race out of it - just shows a WHOLE hell of a lot. No sir, it's not folks like me - its blind low-class ignorant sob's like yourself, comfortable in YOUR skin, wondering why all them dang minorities cant be as as succesful as you, who make it certain that race IS used as a standard for hiring or firing someone, and other inequities in life.


Whatever, you go ahead and claim to know what I think, and what I believe in. I will allways be a better person than you, becasue I don't go around blaming somebody/something else for what is going wrong in my life.
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ED! is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 12:36 PM

[quote:4f6dd]Whatever, you go ahead and claim to know what I think, and what I believe in. I will allways be a better person than you, becasue I don't go around blaming somebody/something else for what is going wrong in my life.[/quote:4f6dd]

I actually have a great job, live in a great apartment, have good ol friends. Of course my boss is black - and her boss is black, and the first person who hired me at the company was. . . yup Black. So I really cant say what the outcome would have been had there been a white person interviewing. And you are so right - there IS no racial intolerance AADic, its just all in us crazy minorities heads. If a white man with a confederate flag on his truck doesnt hire a black it ALWAYS mean ihe just wasnt the right job for it. Silly us.
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AADiC_ is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 12:55 PM

[quote="ED!":8ca75][quote:8ca75]Whatever, you go ahead and claim to know what I think, and what I believe in. I will allways be a better person than you, becasue I don't go around blaming somebody/something else for what is going wrong in my life.[/quote:8ca75]

I actually have a great job, live in a great apartment, have good ol friends. Of course my boss is black - and her boss is black, and the first person who hired me at the company was. . . yup Black. So I really cant say what the outcome would have been had there been a white person interviewing. And you are so right - there IS no racial intolerance AADic, its just all in us crazy minorities heads. If a white man with a confederate flag on his truck doesnt hire a black it ALWAYS mean ihe just wasnt the right job for it. Silly us.[/quote:8ca75]

Now if you display a Confederate flag your automaticly a racist? I am done, can't discuss something when you have comments like that, plain old ignorant people.
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ED! is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 01:14 PM

[quote:51680]Now if you display a Confederate flag your automaticly a racist? I am done, can't discuss something when you have comments like that, plain old ignorant people.[/quote:51680]

OH MY BAD! You're right! The confederate flag was a symbol of peace and equality with the races! Hot damn. And you're right! Racial Disharmony is a myth! Well slap my ass and call me Jim Crow!


Folks like you will do anything to defend themselves. I can only imagine you're the confederate flag rocking pimp at the AAN/BBQ!
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Default 09-14-2003, 01:44 PM

[quote="AADiC_":664ae]Whatever, no response will make any difference to you. You are so consumed everything has racist undertones that you see it if it is there or not.

I will say that attitudes like yours also help perpetuate racism.[/quote:664ae]

Agreed. I will also say that yes racism exists and no I dont pretend to know what its like to be a minority, but there are sterotypes and racist remarks from all groups, even minorities to whites. If you point the finger of racism at every little thing , it just shows that you yourself are consumed with the issue. When you point a finger always remember three are pointing back torward yourself.
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Tripper is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by "AADiC_":ec0af
Whatever, no response will make any difference to you. You are so consumed everything has racist undertones that you see it if it is there or not.

I will say that attitudes like yours also help perpetuate racism.
Agreed. I will also say that yes racism exists and no I dont pretend to know what its like to be a minority, but there are sterotypes and racist remarks from all groups, even minorities to whites. If you point the finger of racism at every little thing , it just shows that you yourself are consumed with the issue. When you point a finger always remember three are pointing back torward yourself.[/quote:ec0af]

Ah, but the thing is, Ed doesn't do that. Hell, most of us didn't even know he was black till a couple months ago.....

You guys can't even admit to being racists because of how bad it sounds to be a 'racist,' it automatically means to you, that you're the ones firing firehoses, and setting attack dogs on protestors and activists, or that you're the cops firing 40 shots into a guy who was simply reaching for his wallet.

Racism is simply generalising through the use of stereotypes. This IS what you did. Admit it, and get over it.

It's okay to make mistakes.
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[DAS REICH] Blitz is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 03:33 PM

[quote="ED!":8bdfe][quote:8bdfe]Whatever, you go ahead and claim to know what I think, and what I believe in. I will allways be a better person than you, becasue I don't go around blaming somebody/something else for what is going wrong in my life.[/quote:8bdfe]

I actually have a great job, live in a great apartment, have good ol friends. Of course my boss is black - and her boss is black, and the first person who hired me at the company was. . . yup Black. So I really cant say what the outcome would have been had there been a white person interviewing. And you are so right - there IS no racial intolerance AADic, its just all in us crazy minorities heads. If a white man with a confederate flag on his truck doesnt hire a black it ALWAYS mean ihe just wasnt the right job for it. Silly us.[/quote:8bdfe]Exactly...your getting the hang of it now cool: freak:

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ED! is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 04:35 PM

Hmmmm. . .well cant remember any time I've pointed the finger at someone for being racist that didnt either MAKE a racist remark, or show how incredibly ignorant and blind they are. You can call me a mongerer for seeing a level of racism in that n00bs remarks, but then what are you for believing 100% that there wasnt in there? You can say that Affirmative Action was a bad thing, but then do you really trust your fellow man to act right all the time? We KNOW that doesnt happen. So why should we think that taking it away as a law is going to make things better? I mean even denying this is ludicrous and just closes your eyes and ears to what has happened and will continue happening until folks accept that fact that certain things are not cool (yea I'm looking at that confederate flag). Germany - GERMANY! - seems to have learned that lesson, should be a no-brainer that we could. But they have always been more efficient then us.
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Default 09-14-2003, 06:22 PM

what are you guys arguing about again
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Short Hand is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 06:25 PM

at least this deate is somewhat political. This is more of a step forward for
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Default 09-14-2003, 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by Hogman74
Originally Posted by "AADiC_":f6cbb
Whatever, no response will make any difference to you. You are so consumed everything has racist undertones that you see it if it is there or not.

I will say that attitudes like yours also help perpetuate racism.
Agreed. I will also say that yes racism exists and no I dont pretend to know what its like to be a minority, but there are sterotypes and racist remarks from all groups, even minorities to whites. If you point the finger of racism at every little thing , it just shows that you yourself are consumed with the issue. When you point a finger always remember three are pointing back torward yourself.

Ah, but the thing is, Ed doesn't do that. Hell, most of us didn't even know he was black till a couple months ago.....

I should have phrased that a little better. My point was not directly pointed to ED. Hell I don't even know the guy, but more so that some people make everything a racial isue. Hypersensitive you might say. It is those attitudes that are a detriment to progress. A person who does this is racist in his own way. With that being said, I don,t agree with everything Ed has said and that is ok, I'm sure many people dont agree with my views. The "principle" Ed spoke of earlier about it being ok for blacks to say "my Nigga" and for others being wrong is a "double standered" not a "principle ". I understand why black people would be offended. That doesn't mean I want to say that, but it's just point to make. The logic he spoke of about not being hired by a guy with a confederate flag was a stereotype. Now a large % of the time that may be true but a strerotype no less. Using that logic white people could expect the same from a guy wearing a Malcome X shirt. I'm not saying that that is right either, but the logic is the same no less. The point is yes there is racism and yes wrongs occur, but oversensity to everything being"racist" can be just as detrimental as the racist himself. There are differnces amoung races and yes humor can be found in those differences if it is not malicious in nature. Rant over. Good discussion though.
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Default 09-15-2003, 12:42 AM

Don't you realise? It was merely 40 YEARS ago....FOURTY....That the word 'Ni**er,' was used by ALOT of american whites towards blacks. Most whites back then were openly racist - mainly because they didn't know any better. FOURTY years ago segregation existed, with the minority getting the underhand.

Most of the people that faced the OBVIOUS oppression back then - are STILL alive. They have families.
Do you expect them to just forget their past and move on? HAH! That's almost (although, a little extreme) like the sons and daughters of the Nazis, telling the holocaust jews, fourty years on, to "Get over it!"

I mean, doesn't this seem a tad bit unfair? Because this is, in essence, what you're telling those African-Americans who "pull the race card," or what ever the fuck you call it.

Most of these people have a right to not trust White Americans. I mean, if all they faced from whites was oppression, just fourty years ago...

...Alot of YOUR parents lived during this time period, and most probably a couple of them exercised racist attitudes.........But don't get me wrong - I'm not saying you fellas are the ones to blame at all - I'm simply saying, from the view on other side of the tracks, American Whites could be just as racist as they ever were.

Who knows.

In todays PC world, its as though those who still manifest racist attitudes, have to hide them......unlike they did back pre-civil rights era.

....So whos to know who actually still exercises racist attitudes in more subtle ways? (i.e, employing an equally qualified white over a black)

That's what affirmative action is about.

Can you all see what I'm saying?

BTW - I'm still not saying its alright for those african americans who push the "race-card," to do so (I'm also not saying it isn't), I'm simply saying that it is a state of affairs that needs sensitivity and a gradualist approach.

And also, this has nothing to do with Ed's "Nit-picking" (Although, on another note, I tend to agree with what he's saying), but this is more of a general evaluation of what you're getting at.
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Short Hand is Offline
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Default 09-15-2003, 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":717f2
Originally Posted by Zoner91
I don't care WHAT colour the dude is/was...I still don't like 'im.

-are you from GeorgeTown Ontario Zoner ???? if so it could explain a lot.
Georgetown is pretty close to Brampton

They used ot ahve this awesome Mcdonalds that had the greatest placeplace, it had a train for parties, and a huge house like thing to play like hide and go seek shit.

-George town is the head city for the KKK of Canada.

-That play place was awesome I remember the huge house and marygo round and shit. Memories from childhood / ya they tore it down and built one of those new generic ones

I heard it's gone now.

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Default 09-15-2003, 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":f4069
Originally Posted by Zoner91
I don't care WHAT colour the dude is/was...I still don't like 'im.

-are you from GeorgeTown Ontario Zoner ???? if so it could explain a lot.
Georgetown is pretty close to Brampton

They used ot ahve this awesome Mcdonalds that had the greatest placeplace, it had a train for parties, and a huge house like thing to play like hide and go seek shit.

Im in Orangeville Right now. /A lot of guyz on my football team live in Brampton. since my school is between orangeville and brampton (Robert.F.Hall)

I heard it's gone now.

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