Jesus, you're an imbecile - Are you like 12?[/quote:47567]
a retreats a retreat, scurrying is scurrying, fleeing is fleeing, shitting in your pants as you sail away is still shitting in your pants as you sail away no matter how you paint the attackers. don't fag out on me now.[/quote:47567]
There's no army on earth that could have taken the Germans in 1940, let alone the U.S. Army at that time. What we did was 'save' the army & whoop the Germans ass in the North Atlantic, North Africa & the Battle of Britain whilst you were still dithering around on a course of 'not so' splendid isolation.
Now before it gets too personal I'd just like to clarify that I'm pissed at Hollywood stealing films that were originally from a British genre & imho ruining them. It's a fair statement &, I think, an accurate one. Static had a marvellous example with 'the italian job'. I have nothing against postmodernist movie production but if you are going to do it then compliment the film & respect what it's about. This was done well in LOTR... I'd hate to see WOTW made into an independence day type action movie with Tom Cruise, which I'm pretty sure this is going to be.
I have the great honour &tc,
To remain your most humble film critic.