I am not going to say I never did, but jacking off is for people who have no life, much like porn. I try to hold my self on a little higher level. You want ever catch me doing it, becuase I'll never do it.
i remember someone posting here a long time ago that he would go sniff his sisters underwear or something then someone found who it was (found out his phone number) and called his parents and told them what he does. He was so pissed and he said his life was runied. Anyone else remember that?
About me..no ive never been caught with anything sexual.
Ive been caught drinking/stealing and some other shit
Location: Reading 'Country Life' magazine in a crack wh0res brothel in Soho, London
02-20-2004, 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Himmler
i remember someone posting here a long time ago that he would go sniff his sisters underwear or something then someone found who it was (found out his phone number) and called his parents and told them what he does. He was so pissed and he said his life was runied. Anyone else remember that?
About me..no ive never been caught with anything sexual.
Ive been caught drinking/stealing and some other shit
I have never stolen anything, I do drink but it's legal, wtf about the underwear??????? oOo: oOo: oOo: Is there a link to that?