I want to say the "full Auto" noob. He's the person who pulls the trigger and does not let it go until he empties the clip. eek:
Then the more experienced player steps out from behind the wall and places 1 -2 well placed shots and kills him
Then there's the "sniper n00b". This is the guy who uses the sniper rifle because it's cool and he won't get insulted for using the rocket or shotgun. The problem is that he can't hit a moving target or shoot anybody less than 100 yards away.
pyr0 biggrin: he just sux so much, nah but seriously the worst ones i would have to say would be the ones that can't read the god damn chat. i get so pissed off when i'm in a good spot sniping away and some idiot walks up with a STG, looks around and stares blankly at my kill area thinking he's going to shoot someone even after i tell him multiple times to guard the god damn door that the enemy is pouring into.
*this applies to objective matches with realism* the worst players of all are those who use stg's on the realism mods and brag that they "own" everyone. an stg combined with realism, how can u not get 10+ kills? these weapons require as much skill as taking a dump in the toilet does. sure you might miss sometimes, but generally you hit the target. give me a rifle and 5+ kills anyday. im out.