oh, i love your pics on the forum :D -
10-12-2002, 09:34 AM
Hi, i just want to say that all the pics you have when you post a message here, are really cool freak:
So i was wondering if anyone could make me one to? Only if you got the time, don't wanna rush or anything, but if you could make a pic with a soldier, and my name {TDB}Joe Garneer{Cpl}{C}
hi i was wondering if u could make me one of those pictures when you post something.if u can can u put a picture of guy with a niper rifle on the side and my name WARFALCON.
hi i was wondering if u could make me one of those pictures when you post something.if u can can u put a picture of guy with a Sniper rifle on the side and my name WARFALCON.
Art Attack? i was wandering if you could please make me a signature, a spiderman one but in a war type atmosphere, the signatures i am using at the moment are boring i want something that looks like effort and pride has gone into it.