Has anyone else seen this mod cheat thing going about?
People appear to be halfway ungerground with just there upper torso showing, it kinds takes u by suprise giving them chance to kill you.
Im not talking about the wall bug on detroyed village either, I saw this one on Stalingrad in the actual buildings, they were sticking out of the floor boards.
If anyone does know what Im talking about, how can this be stopped?
once I fell into a hole playing remagen(sp?) but it was during a low gravity game. I went where you cant during normal play. I think it was the gravity mod and not anything else
Its an old cheat and the only person iv seen do it easily could also look/shoot through walls using a Geforce1 graphics card. This was just taking advantage of clipping errors in the map ie The Bridge axis sniper house.
Its not a good idea talking about them in forums either unless you have a flameproof jacket on lol
I dont have a flame proof jaket but I wasnt asking how to do this, I was asking how to STOP people doing it.
So if anyone wants to "flame" me, then I dont see what reason they have.
There was about 2-3 people all doing this at the same time as well, one question though, why should what happens on their machine effect the whole game?
It's no only on G1's, mainliy cause MOHAA doesn't support G1's but anywho, it's landsharking. I've done it before, but I won't tell how biggrin: mainly cause this is the last thing this game needs. Looks like DogMeat will have to deal with this one (Hint)
We should add this cheat to the no talking about aim bot rule, because to many people keep on posting about it.
Data, he didn't say it on purpose though, he just asked about it. If he went on to say "I hate it when people do this cheat! They're lame! blah blah blah" then yes, flame away.
I've got a few ideas on how to fight this one, however I haven't had a chance to test any of them. Getting a prototype fix and testing for any of my ideas is going to take a hefty chunk of time, so I'm afraid it definately won't get worked on before the next DMz beta is released. One bright note, EALA is well aware of this issue and should be able to address it easily in Speearhead even if I can't come up with a fix before then. Its really just a confusion in how ladders effect the state of the playermodel/movement, and of course if you practice long enough you can reproduce it fairly regularly.
The players on our server do this landsharking thing but not on purpose,we think it is because we added a mod to make the rifles fire the same or something else is clashing !