Originally Posted by Rommel
I get it now. Radient is the same, its just picking up the spearhead textures and not really jiving with the newness (roughly put I guess!). Thanks, I thought that was the problem. Im still having a pain in the ass getting static models into the game - even the MOH original ones. I've copied the entdefs 5 times, reinstalled,uninstalled both entdef and MOH and Radiant still getting the problem. I bet it has something to do with spearhead....I should just uninstall everything and try it again fresh...cept I don't wanna wait the 15 minutes to install SPHD again!
Lazy, yes sir, may I have another!
Well the textures is a seperate issue, your problem is to with models.
There is only ONE PUBLIC version of MohRadiant.
It knows how to load Version 5 SKD files (mohaa format), it DOES NOT know how to load Version 6 SKD files (SH format). thus a lot of the models dont draw, you just get a bounding box (or it crashes).
EALA do have a new MohRadiant but they wont release it

damn it.