I am trying to modify our server and i was told that if I change the pk3 associations then i can open the files in notepad to change variables. How can I get into the pk files to change the bullet damage etc? Thanks
You own a server and dont know how to open a pk3 file, wow. But neway, rename the .pk3 part to .zip and then unzip it with winrar or winzip. When extracted change what u wanna change and then zip it back up with winzip or winrar. Not the extracted folders. You have to zip up ie: textures or scripts or ui or w/e. Than place into main or mainta.
I do not own the server. I am just the new guy in the clan to be admin of it. When I R click on the files I do not get a rename selection. I am using IE to FTP with the server. I then drag and drop copy files to my desktop. I can extract them from there to a folder I created on the desktop. When I extract I can use notepad to modify. I really have never used winrar or zip before...although I seem to like winrar better. Is there a better way? I did the way just indicated by accident and don't really know if that is what I did. Thanks guys.
That really helped I looked up r3mix in the forum search. He had a forum post that explained it. I just R clicked on the pk3 files and selected open with. I selected the winrar and checked always open with. Now I can just use Explorer/FTP to drag and drop the files over. Then just open them to modify. Next I just drag and drop them back into the server. Once I resart the server ....WHOAHLAHHH! cool thanks guys.