I beg to differ man. People do not get banned from our server for using a wall hack unless it is proven to be. We also do not accuse people of cheating. There are certain ways to get yourself banned from our server. One is to use a neon skin, which the server will automatically detect and ban immediately. The second is when we do a dumpuser on you, we find certain settings set to 1(this can detect the use of skins not listed in the auto ban program, the use of the no fog hack, etc). If you had any of these settings to 1, then you would have been banned immediately. The server does not allow force modeling, so that eliminates many of the cheats that are out there.
However, you were not banned for "using a wallhack." Why you were banned, I don't know, I wasn't there, and I seriously doubt that the person running the ban program would accuse you of cheating, as we get accused ourselves for the simple fact that we are just that good of player(former #1's on OGL w/ a diff. team). Perhaps you were using language that was offensive and you were banned for that? I don't know, but if you like, you can email me at
superjason@godsofwar.net and let me know what the situation is, and I can find out why you were in fact banned, possibly remove it if the reason is valid.