The luger wasn't in the game -
12-03-2002, 04:28 PM
The luger was not in the game. The pistol you musy be refering to is the
P-38. There might be one in Spearhead, but not Allied Assault. The reason why is probably because all in all, in WW2 most German officers and enlisted me who carried pistols carried the P-38, because it was more reliable than the luger, and if I am correct it fired faster, I'm not sure about that though.
He was probably masturbating too hard. It's not smart to stick a loaded gun in your pants without turning on the safety. The guy died of stupidity, many of you will die in the same manner.
He was probably masturbating too hard. It's not smart to stick a loaded gun in your pants without turning on the safety. The guy died of stupidity, many of you will die in the same manner.