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What do you consider an elite clan?
Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default What do you consider an elite clan? - 12-02-2002, 08:34 PM

I've recently been poking round being in a clan. All the clans claim "only elite players" so I go to there server only to step in n00b war 2002! There blastin shotties left and right, mid-air jumping, and shooting rockets outta there ass! So I don't know what clans consider "elite" but it's defitnetly not that.
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[DAS REICH] Blitz is Offline
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Default 12-02-2002, 09:07 PM

an elite clan is when it takes months for u to join

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Default 12-02-2002, 09:59 PM

well, I wouldn't know about where we stand compared to others (the LRRPs have not played another clan in ages while we were busy with inter-division competition)
but as far as tactics go we use teamwork as much as possible. bunny-hopping shotgun Rambo types don't last very long.
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snipeymagoo is Offline
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Default 12-02-2002, 10:24 PM

an elite clan u might wanna look in to is EcE although they have been accussed of cheating, and {TsL} is chock full of good people but if u look hard enough and goto places like and look for the top clans, those are the really good clans
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Mr_nStuff is Offline
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Default 12-02-2002, 11:02 PM

And any clan with less than 2 good shotty whores is also, how did you put it, noobz. You have to be a newb clan if you think you can survive without shotties and in some cases a rocket launcher. It's a necessary weapon when your fighting against other shotty bunny hoping newb whores. So get a clue.

You go to our servers and then come in here and claim we are bunny hoping shotty newbz. Your basically saying your a newb. Not that you have visited our server.. Just saying.
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Default 12-02-2002, 11:13 PM

bunny hopping with a shitgun suuuuuuuure is handy on those realism ladders biggrin: biggrin: biggrin: biggrin:
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Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default 12-02-2002, 11:42 PM

[quote="Mr_nStuff":0a5ca]And any clan with less than 2 good shotty whores is also, how did you put it, noobz. You have to be a newb clan if you think you can survive without shotties and in some cases a rocket launcher. It's a necessary weapon when your fighting against other shotty bunny hoping newb whores. So get a clue.

You go to our servers and then come in here and claim we are bunny hoping shotty newbz. Your basically saying your a newb. Not that you have visited our server.. Just saying.[/quote:0a5ca]

Eh hem....STFU n00b!

I don't think it really takes skill to use a shotgun. I was in a server a while ago and some kid was rackin up kills, so I asked him how long he'd been playing his response was "4 days" I could see he was using a shotgun. So I say "you got some skills, show me what you can do on an SMG" he went from 20kills-4 deaths, to 25 kills-34 deaths. Just goes to show ya....
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Default DCFA Clan - 12-02-2002, 11:50 PM

While others may not view us as "elite", we have been around for quite some time. It all started when I created and commanded the 501st PIR in January. The 501st stayed together through April, but eventually fell apart due to lack of participation. Thus, DCFA was born out of the dedicated few that remained of the 501st PIR.

We first started as DFA (Death From Above), but then realized there were a few more DFA's out there. We then changed to DCFA (Death Comes From Above).

We have a rather lengthy recruitment process that takes on average 3-4 weeks to complete. This involves playing with us and learning and utilizing our tactics. Most importantly, though, you can't be too much of an ass :-)

Anyways, here is our site: ... index.html

Check it out, and send us an e-mail if you are interested. Our server information is on there as well.
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Default 12-02-2002, 11:57 PM

Real Elite players can own you witha Kar. I still suck at the Kar, but ive watched some people do amazing things with a rifle, IMO that makes you elite.

Not shotty, or Rockets either!
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Mr_nStuff is Offline
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Default 12-03-2002, 12:02 AM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":b36e0]bunny hopping with a shitgun suuuuuuuure is handy on those realism ladders biggrin: biggrin: biggrin: biggrin:[/quote:b36e0]Yeah.. Realism is ghey.. And all you need is a good machine gun and very little skill with realism and your set.. Though, especially with defense, it helps to have the skillz w/ realism.

Which brings me to this.
[quote="Airborne Butters":b36e0]Eh hem....STFU n00b!

I don't think it really takes skill to use a shotgun.[/quote:b36e0]It helps to have skillz with the shotgun when your going up against skilled shotty whores.. Remember that.... All of you bizatches remember my words.

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Druid is Offline
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Default 12-03-2002, 01:10 AM

It all comes down to how you play, stock or realism.
With stock everyone complains about the shotties.
Well guess what, with stock weapons the shotgun is a very effective weapon on some maps.
It's the same situation when mg and smg players complain about about the snipers. The snipers could say the same thing about the MG's.
MG's take no skill it just spray and pray.
Complaining gets you no where so STFU and just play.
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Thermopyle is Offline
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Default 12-03-2002, 01:19 AM

There is a difference between individual elitism and clan elitism. Fact is, clans want to win ladder matches, so they use whatever weapon gives them the best chance to win. Which is shotty/rocket in classic, and mg in realism. You wont find much Mauser toting *I am God* behavior in clans because thats not what is important.

To find the so called elite clans, look on the ladders, and find the ones who are consistently winning matches. They may not have individual elite players, but obviously know what it takes to win matches. Those are also the clans who are likely near the point of implosion. Because dominant clans have problems with individual egos.

If you are really looking to join a clan, I wouldnt look for a so called elite clan, but instead find a clan server and play there for a while. If you find that you like the players, their style, their attitudes, etc. then that may be the clan for you. It will sure beat being an under-appreciated cog in a clan monster. cool:
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WolfHound is Offline
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Default 12-03-2002, 01:36 AM

Good post Thermo :-)

I usually use the rifle in clan matches, just because I feel more comfortable with it than spraying the SMG or MG around the map. But, I usually receive more deaths than anyone else, but that's besides the point...

Thermo pretty much hit the nail on the head -- look for people you are comfortable playing with. There's no point in joining a clan and then end up hating every member in it.

I mean, look who I ended up with...

I hope no other DCFA members saw that :-)

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Drew is Offline
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Default 12-03-2002, 01:37 AM

I would personally never look for an "elite" clan in the first place. Really, who gives a flying rat's ass about which clan is at the top of OGL or TWL or whatever other ladders. There are plenty of clans who are inactive on ladders or just don't play on them yet that are better than those clans. Or sometimes, you have clans that maybe aren't better, but contained a few more skilled players.

I personally run the 203rd Airborne. We try to take an atypical approach to the whole clan thing. I take my time. Although we are currently registered on OGL and TWL, we won't be joining ladders just yet. We're waiting until we have a group of talented and well acclimated soldiers. But above everything, we want our people to have fun, and for others to have fun with our people. Also, unlike most other clans, a code of public conduct is severely enforced. None of the running around cursing and screaming 'NOOBS!!' will be seen from the 203rd without severe repercussions.

So really, Butters, the best advice I could give in regards to clans is to sit down and really decide what you wish to achieve by joining.

If you want a little fame a glory, you can join a top-rung clan and tote their pre-fab respected tag around different servers and watch the 14 year olds ooh and aah at your great gaming accomplishment.

If you want to have fun playing the game, go find a smaller clan. One that isn't on a ladder or is working their way to prepare for one. With these clans you'll usually find a group of guys or girls that are more interested in logging into a server and having fun. If you are interested in this side, just PM me. I'm not saying join the 203rd necessarily, but I know a few other small clans that would love another member who shares their view. Not saying the 203rd wouldn't like to have you, just that I always like to provide options =)

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Default 12-03-2002, 02:27 AM

Originally Posted by Argon
Real Elite players can own you witha Kar. I still suck at the Kar, but ive watched some people do amazing things with a rifle, IMO that makes you elite.

Not shotty, or Rockets either!
Yeah, pretty much. I'm not so bad with a rifle myself...
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