I was looking for help on running MOH:AA. I have an NVIDIA GeForce2 and get a "MOH requires a video card with multitexturing capability" error when i try to run the game. Advice, please.
I know my Direct X is up to date, and i downloaded GLDirect program, i just need to get the dam driver updated. Is the GeForce2 Ti capable of running the game, or am i just wasting my time?
You should not install lastest driver from nvidia...
My other computer has a geforce2 and i got lot of problem when i installed lastest nvidia drivers...
Iva installed the drivers that came with my grpahic cards and everythings runs okay now.
And it does work with a geforce2 ti
Ive just installed the latest driver from guru3d.com. still nothing. if the game does work with the geforce2 ti, then what am i doing wrong??? please help....i really dont wanna spend any more $$ for a new card if i dont have to....