Yeah.. You guys will like this one.. You get stuck in crouch ALOT in 2.11
To get out of crouch.. run around stuck in crouch and find somewhere to fall from.
Other bugs..
You can't hear the voice taunts anymore from the enemy. They are now like other team voice commands in that they can only be heard if the enemy is close by.. You still see the text though.
It also prompts me to pick my weapon every time it's done loading a new map. If I don't do it quickly I'm out for the first round.
That's what I'm seeing so far. I'm sure there's more.
Weapon here, crouch here. And the enemy taunts, well, isnt that real? Only hearing when they are close by......well, i know my ears only hear stuff when the sound is in hearing distance....dunno bout yur bionic ears oOo:
I have had the problem of being stuck while crouching AND not being able to jump. As for the the opposing team not being able to hear, I have this habit of taunting when I kill someone, and even sometimes when I die myself, it pisses people off alot of times... oOo:
Agreed.. People do tend to take the taunts a little to personally. It all stems from the OWNed statement. They feel owned, and the taunt after death amplifies it. hake:
after pistol whipping down 3 snipers in a small room after they missed you again and again, wher eis the fun in not being able to taunt them to hell and back? heh