I admin our public clan server for BF1942. Currently I use the blackbagops.com
utility, but i am looking for another utility or someone who can modify the existing one
The problem is that BF1942 servers are expensive and players that pitch in want to
be able to play. Well we created a very popular server so now these guys need a utility
to kick an existing player and to be "Police" for the server
The current utility has all the server settings integrated into it, so multiple people
using this utility will really mess up the server. We need someone who can remove
parts of the existing utility and release a "watered down" version
Basically it would.....
1. Login screen, IP / Port / Rcon password
2. Connect and Disconnect button
3. List all players, pings, score
Then have a "Kick" button and a "Ban" button
The "Ban" button would kick and ban
The player list should either have a "Refresh List" button or auto refresh
the player list every 60 seconds
I have been in contact with the original author and although he
wont do this modification he would probably help out with questions