First off, I want to tip my hat to Chickenboo for:
1) Giving us, the AA.COM regulars a great server to play on.
2) Keeping it and the webpage ( up to date for us gamers.
I also want to thank the admins/moderators of the site/server for their participation and keeping the server fun and n00b-free! biggrin:
Now, why I made this thread:
There's been discussion lately amongst alot of the guys playing on the server concerning the mod. Mainly, it's not discussion, just plain out bitching. And I will admit, I am one of them.
People feel that the mod is unbalanced for one side, but equal for another. I basically wanted to make one simple thread, so that whomever developed the mod, ChickenBoo, and whoever else, can get some ideas from the gamers who play it, and can make it better for us to play.
Here's my take:
I like the mod. Alot. I loved playing on the AA.COM server and playing the CKR mod. The only gripe about the CKR was probably the MG's being too powerful and accurate. But that's the CKR for MOH, not ChickenBoo's Realism for SH.
His mod is close to excellence. There are very few, and I mean VERY FEW changes that would, in my opinion, enhance this mod for better, happier, gameplay.
1) SMG's: ChickenBoo says he modded them last night, and I believe him, but I still find them overweighed for the Allies. I played last night continusly getting pratically sniped from the SMG's from a far distance. Do I think the damage amount should be changed? Absolultly not! Realism = closest to real life as possible! 1-2 bullets from a Semi-Machine Gun, and I think you will be down for the count too, my friend! So, my request would be to increase the bullet spread for the Allies SMG.
2) StG: Using the BAR and the MG, I felt that the StG was alot better to use than the BAR. Even with the ROF (Rate Of Fire) decreased on it, it still overweighed the BAR, I feel. So, my suggestion would to be either to increase the kickback, or possibly increase the bullet spread VERY slightly.
3) Nades: Frag nades are able to kill within 3 meters (9 feet), shrapnel damage in 5 meters. (15 feet). So, the damage is fine, but maybe slightly lower the range of damage.
Remember, this is only my opinion, and I think this thread could really help ChickenBoo out. Please keep it on topic guys. If you have nothing to add about the mod, then just don't.