12-18-2002, 10:42 PM
My situation: I work at a university and as the IT Coordinator at my department I have access to our web server which I maintain.
DELL Server
Dual 933 PIII
1 GIG of Ram
2 SCSI Hard Drives
4 Megabit Internet Connection (T1 Line)
Anyway, I found the basics on what to do, but I don't know how to set up a map for example... Please don't think I'm stupid, but gaming is not my thing, but this game is just too cool to pass by.
So what I'm asking for is this.
-Instructions on how to add maps. (I tried to do it, and I can get them to load, but when I try to connect, it kicks me off right away... this is an example... what am I doing wrong?)
-How do I disable Rockest?
-How do I modify weapons to my liking to make them more or less realistic? (I know there are many reality mods... but I would like to make my own)
Mainly, I would like to create a server with more alternate maps, I am getting kinda tired of the mohdm1,2,3,etc.
Thank you so much for any help in advance.
Also looking for seriouse moders who want to test maybe.
If you need help I can talk ya through exactly what ya want to do. I learned over weeks on these forums and want to give back. just e-mail evw@socal.rr.com . We can set it up so I can help you directly.