A few years ago I lived in an upper flat on Milwaukee's east side . There were a few parks and undeveloped areas nearby so we had an interesting assortment of wild life around . Since it was August , we had a fan in he window to draw in cool air . I fell asleep on the couch and slept like the dead for a few hours . Maybe two hours later I woke up to the worst stench I've ever smelled . It took awhile to figure out but someone had run over a skunk directly in front of our house ! The fan that was providing cool air had also sucked in this reeking air for several hours ! The stink was so bad I came pretty close to blowing chunks and I do not have a week stomach ! To add insult to injury it took two days to get the smell out of our livingroom . Jsut thought I would share that one with you guys .
Bullet Sponge aka CrosseyedSniper
at a guy i knows place, some how a skunk got into their basement trough an open window & they could not figer out how to get it out. finally they decided to set up little chunks of bread in a line from the basement stairs all the way outside into the back feild. instead of drawing the skunk out another skunk smelled it & followed the crumbs into the basement then they were stuck with 2 skunks in the basement biggrin:
one time, during the summer, we left out cat out in from of the house hooked up to a harness... and we heard some niose outsdie,, so we looked and my cat was meowing and shit, so we let him in. and he fuckin stunk like a mother fucker, a stupid skunk sprayed him... my cats eyes were close, cuz it was in his face, but man it was such a fuckin horrible smell.