Originally Posted by MPowell1944
well well well. i knew it was only a matter of time before you all caught that thread, so i made a big post purposly stating my name. i was already screwed over here, so why try redemption? might as well go all out and get on with it. enjoy.
sounds like a bunch of bullshi* to me Powell, I defended you and stood by you long enough, have fun making your bullshit cheats, and trying to f*ck up our game, np cause we will have fun regardless. Rempetion, its not about that, its about self respect, and honestly, really obviously me standing back and watching all this I notice that what your really looking for is attention, I think its time you seek it elsewhere, this is a game wtf man, peace and have fun making your bullsh*t. Bet those guys over @mpc will give you all the attention you need. O and your blocked on my aim so dont bother, and no I wasnt going to come on so I could hear anymore bs. PEACE, hope you come down to reality soon. a game Powell, its a game...