BTW... anyone interested in joining Tales from the Frontline series, please follow the link at the bottom of my sig. We would all love to see the new talent in the modding communtiy!
rakavolver, the g43 is spearhead only, and spearhead's only like $30....
zooka: yeah, hobbs that skin kicks ass, even though i dont like camo guns skins
did they actually ever use camo finishes on weapons in ww2?
darn......yeah SH isnt expensive at all....but still....30$ is like 25 beers here in Holland evil: evil: so i have to think it over m8 happy: Cant wait to use it for MOH:aa though.....
aw shit, bro, you live in holland?!?!
your lucky
i wish it was like that in tight ass america
i wouldn't have to be all secret about selling and tokin'
and no drinking laws...shit, i hate laws here, haha
i was in amsterdam a little while ago, best buds ever...