Ok, after reading a lot of postings about TEAMGOD and their server crashings (cheating will not be mention in here since it is not a crime but just pure boredom and is for losers), I have talked to a friend who works for a major ISP in VA. He is responsible for tracking down illegal ftp(s) and report them to the FBI Cyber Crimes Division. I also like to say that I dont like or dislike the TEAMGOD member(s)/affiliate(s). This is just purely info I got. Here is our conversation for those that care.
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ME (12:59:05 AM): hey got a quick question for you...might has something to do with cyber crime but not sure
FRIEND (12:59:27 AM): ok
ME (12:59:28 AM): perhaps you can ask your agent friend that works there
ME (1:00:05 AM): ok...say if there are like 100 gaming servers running...they are public servers....group A decides to go on and crash them
ME (1:00:16 AM): would that consider a crime?
FRIEND (1:00:29 AM): how did they crash them
ME (1:01:00 AM): they join the game and crash the server...has something to do with server side hacking
FRIEND (1:01:13 AM): hacking is the key word
FRIEND (1:01:18 AM): yes, it's illegal
ME (1:01:51 AM): ok...if hacking wasnt use..then is it illegal to crash servers?
FRIEND (1:02:11 AM): sure it is
ME (1:02:28 AM): like spawning objects...the community has request numerous times for them to stop..but of no use
FRIEND (1:02:58 AM): can't block them
FRIEND (1:03:02 AM): ?
ME (1:03:15 AM): sure they can...but they can always change ip
FRIEND (1:03:42 AM): block there subnet
ME (1:04:06 AM): yes...but if they use proxies...u cant really
ME (1:04:24 AM): since real IPs werent reveal
FRIEND (1:04:33 AM): Hmm
FRIEND (1:04:37 AM): I'll ask
ME (1:04:49 AM): but they do have a website of braggin about it
FRIEND (1:04:59 AM): what is it
ME (1:05:08 AM): (EDITED - Joe)
FRIEND (1:05:30 AM): they bragg about the crashing?
ME (1:05:43 AM): yes I believe so
ME (1:06:16 AM): those are t he same ppl that came onto my server you had up for me at one point and crashed it every ten minutes
FRIEND (1:06:43 AM): DO you know what ISP they use?
ME (1:07:10 AM): can you find out by domain name?
FRIEND (1:07:25 AM): what info do you have
FRIEND (1:07:39 AM): I'll look them up through our Name Server
ME (1:09:06 AM): host13.ipowerweb.com
ME (1:09:56 AM): looks like it goes thru something lax1.attens.net
FRIEND (1:10:05 AM): Is that for there web site
ME (1:10:50 AM): Pinging (EDITED - Joe) (EDITED IP ADDRESS - Joe) with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for EDITED IP ADDRESS - Joe:
Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 0, Lost = 1 (100% loss),
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert (EDITED IP ADDRESS - Joe)
Tracing route to host13.ipowerweb.com (EDITED IP ADDRESS - Joe)
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 3377 ms 20 ms 22 ms
2 3284 ms 21 ms 20 ms F0-1-0.Q-RTR1.RES.verizon-gni.net []
3 21 ms 19 ms 20 ms dca-edge-01.inet.qwest.net []
4 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms dca-core-01.inet.qwest.net []
5 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms dca-brdr-02.inet.qwest.net []
6 18 ms 21 ms 19 ms
7 2352 ms 70 ms 22 ms tbr1-p013202.wswdc.ip.att.net []
8 68 ms 68 ms 68 ms tbr1-p013701.sl9mo.ip.att.net []
9 92 ms 93 ms 92 ms tbr1-cl2.sffca.ip.att.net []
10 89 ms 89 ms 92 ms gbr6-p100.sffca.ip.att.net []
11 93 ms 91 ms 92 ms gar3-p370.sffca.ip.att.net []
12 99 ms 99 ms 97 ms mdf1-gsr12-2-pos-5-0.lax1.attens.net [12.122.255
13 105 ms 102 ms 168 ms mdf1-bi8k-2-gig-1-1.lax1.attens.net [12.129.192.
ME (1:11:02 AM): that makes any sense to you?
FRIEND (1:11:14 AM): one sec
FRIEND (1:12:32 AM): The problem you will have is, if you complain to one ISP all the other team members who may not use the same ISP will get you back
FRIEND (1:12:50 AM): When they join, do they always use the same screen names
ME (1:12:53 AM): oh..its not me that complaining
ME (1:13:25 AM): no..before they crash the server they always leave their statement
FRIEND (1:13:26 AM): When I said "you:" I meant the game server
FRIEND (1:13:39 AM): what do they say
ME (1:13:49 AM): TeamGod Owned you or something like that
ME (1:13:57 AM): then servers die
FRIEND (1:14:58 AM): Capture some packets and see what you get
FRIEND (1:15:13 AM): Need a BIG HDD though
FRIEND (1:15:18 AM): for a game server
FRIEND (1:15:34 AM): But, yes it's illegal
FRIEND (1:15:50 AM): Notify the fbi cyber crimes division
FRIEND (1:15:56 AM): I can get you a number if you want
ME (1:15:56 AM): like say if you go to a website and crash it or shut it down..that is illegal right? I meant crashing game servers is the same thing
FRIEND (1:16:18 AM): One sec
FRIEND (1:22:03 AM): (i) knowingly causes the transmission of a program, information, code, or command, and as a result of such conduct, intentionally causes damage without authorization, to a protected computer;
ME (1:23:03 AM): ahh...so the community can contact the fbi cyber crimes division?
FRIEND (1:23:10 AM): yeap
FRIEND (1:23:19 AM): trying to get you an email addy right now
ME (1:23:25 AM): you think they will do anything?
FRIEND (1:23:42 AM): They have to
ME (1:23:43 AM): i meant the FBI...will they step in...or this is too minor for them?
FRIEND (1:24:10 AM): They have to investiget everything
FRIEND (1:25:50 AM):
ME (1:25:56 AM): yea if you dont mind getting me the email and # to the cyber crimes division...i'll post our conversation in the community forum...
FRIEND (1:26:09 AM): ok
FRIEND (1:32:01 AM): I'll ask our investigator for a good contact. He knows tons of people in the FBI Cyber Crimes Div.
ME (1:32:17 AM): ok..thanks
FRIEND (1:32:21 AM): np
FRIEND (1:32:50 AM): BTW ATTENS is iPowerWeb
ME (1:32:58 AM): ahh
ME (1:33:04 AM): so that is their ISP
ME (1:33:13 AM): or webhost provider
FRIEND (1:33:15 AM): No, only the the web site
FRIEND (1:33:20 AM): yeap
FRIEND (1:33:40 AM): Do they always come from the same proxy?
ME (1:33:52 AM): prolly not
FRIEND (1:34:24 AM): When the game server crashes, does the whole pc crash?
ME (1:35:15 AM): not sure...but when my server was up at your work...it didnt...i was just very frustrated
FRIEND (1:35:58 AM): Install Sygate Firewall and log the connections. That way you can tell what IP was logged in at the time
FRIEND (1:36:05 AM): or something like that
FRIEND (1:36:18 AM): need something for an investigation
FRIEND (1:36:31 AM): Traffic monitor is also good
ME (1:36:43 AM): yea..the community has screenshot of the Teamgod members
ME (1:36:53 AM): and their IPs as well
FRIEND (1:37:00 AM): Real IP's?
ME (1:37:09 AM): some are...some are proxies
FRIEND (1:37:35 AM): Shit, I would start with abuse@"their ISP"
ME (1:37:46 AM): they even say it in their forums...just give them server IP and they will crash it
FRIEND (1:38:11 AM): pimply faced nerds
FRIEND (1:38:20 AM): need a good woman to straighten them out
ME (1:38:27 AM): so that is intentionally or knowingly will commit a cyber crime
FRIEND (1:38:38 AM): yeap
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Sorry, but real screennames were edited out for my friend's security.