i know this is off topic, i was just wondering, if every time i open My Computer or my documents, and it says it has performed an illegal operation is that a virus? ed:
Sounds like Windows is messed up, I think with XP there's a way to repair without having to do a full reformat. Check the documatation that came with the PC. Could be a virus, but I don't think so.
You can't really download Norton, you have to buy that...however, you can get a free virus scanner called ZoneAlarm at zonealarm.com...give that a shot
You can also try a system file checker.
Start/programs/acessories/system tools/system information/click on tools at the top/then click on system file checker.
It may ask you to insert win98 disk to recover corrupted or missing files.
Then scandisk
Then defrag.
Hope this helps
since your running xp. just got to start.. programs..system tools..at the bottom theres a system restore. pick a date when your computer was fine and itll restore it to its normal sweet running state..it works very well.