I didnt really care about shotguns until one night i was at some clan server and my score was at about 40 or so and i had only about 4 or 5 deaths. I kept killing a few of these clan memebers especially this one particular guy. Then he gets out a shotgun and was able to kill me something like 6 times in a row juust running around and gettin me. My final score ended up being about 40 or so kills and 14 deaths. Since then ive noticed a pattern with many clans. If they are axis they will use their fav weapon. Then when you beat them up, they get mad and grab an stg. WHen that doesnt work then they go to a shotty. Oh well.
On realism servers they aren't a problem, but on non-realism what a bitch!
I played on a "normal" server the other night and it was a nightmare - this guy might as well have been using a sniper rifle. I was having to unload an smg clip into the SOB to put him down (and I'm not a bad shot), yet one shot and I was dead, and not just close range - the length of the hallway in Stalingrad!!! That's ridiculous.
A whole clip compared to one shot from about 25 yards!? Bitch shotgun whore!
lol thanks magnum mabey ill pick that one up looks good any who.
shot guns arnt that cheap cuz if you think about it a shotgunner is
usually insane(like me) and theyll run up to u and try to frag you
but while there running up(unles your in a close combat map) to you
u have a chance to kick there ass and plus they only got 5 shots.
I like to use them but i think there should be a mod where it lowers
the damage and range a bit. cool:
sorry zone i just joind i couple of days ago i didnt know there were so many of these topics i just wanted to get opinions cuz there are so many peeps on aa complaing about shotguns and are there any shotgun mods that lower range and damage?
Hmmm shotguns.......well they certainly aint my favorite weapon and yea i do think there cheap to some extent ,however i will use 1 if the situation calls for it depending on the oposition/what there using and what map.
See a program on them the other day about shotties....not accurate but do SUBSTANTIAL damage upto a range of 50 yards ,that answers (a bit) why he could shoot u the length of stalingrad hallway.
As for 1 of the other comments omg now smg is not a fair weapon? is any? only rifles? would you be happy if you could only use handguns?what a glum game that would be.
Meself im a smg "whore" but i will use shottie/smg/rifle and snipe if and when needed.
Just love it when iv'e shot some1 with shotgun then to be called nOOb,only then to change to smg and kill em again,then rifle.......then......u get the picture.
Hmmm shotguns.......well they certainly aint my favorite weapon and yea i do think there cheap to some extent ,however i will use 1 if the situation calls for it depending on the oposition/what there using and what map.
See a program on them the other day about shotties....not accurate but do SUBSTANTIAL damage upto a range of 50 yards ,that answers (a bit) why he could shoot u the length of stalingrad hallway.
As for 1 of the other comments omg now smg is not a fair weapon? is any? only rifles? would you be happy if you could only use handguns?what a glum game that would be.
Meself im a smg "whore" but i will use shottie/smg/rifle and snipe if and when needed.
Just love it when iv'e shot some1 with shotgun then to be called nOOb,only then to change to smg and kill em again,then rifle.......then......u get the picture.