read the many guides on aa.coms main page. putting objects on a player is very difficult, so you should start off with learning how just skin players.
garrets guide for skinning is very difficult for new skinners to understand though. start off with weapon skinning (i suggest mpowwel1944's guide) u just cant add things on skins unless u have a model (3d) for that. Skinning 3d objects on 2d skin doesnt look good. So u have stay within the limits EA or the community offered. Or u can also make new models. biggrin:
I already know how to make skins like that i just want to know how to make ones of your own useing the stuff ea gives to you i already made like 3 skins i just want to know how to make my own. Just tell me how to make it. I have pk3 editor so i just need to know how to make my own colors an edit the crap on the skins.