I'm not having any Mohaa problems. FPS is good, I know that Mohaa is really cpu+memory bandwith intensive so I know it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference.
When I run the auto-config, everything looks right except it only sees 64mb from my 128mb ti4400 card.
It's not a biggie cause it's not really causing a problem. Just wondering if anyone else has had this, and how they might have got it to work right?
Everything elses reports it properly, even dxdiag.exe.
Damn, so even if I had a p4, mohaa wouldn't be taking advantage of the new instruction sets? MY GOD. For a game that's so cpu/ram dependant you'd think they would have done something about that in a patch or something +P
Damn, so even if I had a p4, mohaa wouldn't be taking advantage of the new instruction sets? MY GOD. For a game that's so cpu/ram dependant you'd think they would have done something about that in a patch or something +P
Exactly. biggrin:
Don't think it's patchable, it's the game-engine that reads that info.
Yeah the game doesn't take advantage of all your resources, but if you upgrade your vid card and RAM and CPU you will see a difference in performance. Also really helps to have a nice fast internet connection. biggrin: