02-20-2003, 09:43 AM
You are correct sir. It doesnt matter what modifications you have on your computer, they will all revert to stock or whatever the server is running.
ie.: You can make a skin that looks like Pam Anderson but to everyone else on the server who doesnt have the same skin your just gonna look like a regular stock grunt.
As for the weapon mods if its a skin see above if its a performance mod ie.: faster reload, it will only work if the server has the same mod running.
However scope mods ie.: larger viewing area, are all client side (your computer) so they will work for you even if nobody else including the server has them. the same can be said for silencing mods, if you have it running on your computer ALL sniper rifles will sound silenced to YOU ONLY. everyone else that doesnt have it running will hear exactly where you are.
So basically if its a visual mod or a sound mod everyone has to have it to be affectted or it will only affect YOUR game.
If its a function mod ie: faster reload or larger clips, the server has to be running the mod.
Hope I wast too all over the place with that.