Questions from Canadian troops in Bosnia -
02-20-2003, 06:11 AM
I run a LAN of 8 computers here at Camp Maple Leaf. All computers have MOHAA. I have downloaded tons of maps to play on. How do I set up a random rotation of all these maps? Is it possible?
Also, can I rename map files without screwing up the map? Someone mentioned the name is also embedded in the file. Thanks for any help!
you can rename the pk3 file but the map name is still embedded in that file. so you could change dday.pk3 to User_DM_Map_dday.pk3. This is only good for cleaning up your main dir.
To get all your maps loaded, you need to modify your maplist and map file
maplist will run all your maps loaded after the maplist command.
map will load your first map. usually the first map listed under map list
you can place both of these in your shortcut but should be used in your server.cfg file ( if a dedicated server is being used)
[code:733c4]seta sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/Arnhem dm/mohdm2 obj/obj_team1 obj/push_cityhall obj/objlol_v2_13 obj/obj_team2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdust dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm7 obj/obj_team3 obj/obj_maromg obj/wdcobj1 obj/obj_team4 dm/mohdm5 dm/urbansprawl dm/dm_thunder dm/mohdm6" [/code:733c4]
This is a mixed map mod maplist but you should get the idea. These are also the embedded names not the pk3 names
Mooxe: You're in a considered hot spot and you are playing MOHAA. I love it. biggrin: I think we need more than $800 Million if you guys are really that bored over there....
Captain Canuck
PS: Not flaming yah, just find that amusing. Keep it up... freak: