NOOOOOOO just when i thought this Game Had a FUTURE some had to F****K it up !!!WHY!!!
Well for most of you REAL gamers that play games from alpha to beta to demo and then on to the released version youll know what im talking about.
hmmm anyone play Counter-strike during beta??
Remember what fun it was before CPL got there hands in it, and had say what the direction the game should go?!?!?!? well look at it now played by thousands, hundreds developing cheats and no support to those trying to keep up with the anti-cheats and why is that u say
(CPL doesnt support any modifications or development for anti-cheats) just what would make there job easier they dont want to worry if there versions other then the game are up to date. (note its easier to write a auto reply to users when they complain of possible cheating by other competitors) so... as great of a game as it is now SOAK it up BOYZZ its not be long before CPL with there sexy fingers F**K this GREAT GAME!!!!!!!!! up to

whats everyone elses opinion?