The Quest for the Vassili Bot -
03-01-2003, 10:39 PM
The Quest for the Vassili Bot
Vassili Zaitsev
Though little is actually known and documented in fact about the Soviet Sniper Vassili, the information that can be found is startling.
Vassili Zaitsev - 400 kills (149 Kills at the battle of Stalingrad)
Movies like enemy at the gates portray a movie like image of a very cold and precise lunatic. His strategy with sniping positions and coordinating shots with multiple sniper points is brilliant.
Although today's technology far outways the ability of the human eye, you can't help but admire a man that knew only of the hunt whether it be hunting game like deer or wolves or war.
"...await the right moment for one, and only one well-aimed shot"
Vassili Zaitsev
I am posting this because I need someone to help or atleast aid me in creating a skin complete with tiki, shader, textures and .skb. Preferably Soviet for spearhead.
Anybody willing to help will be much appreciated.