No one is happy watching other people play. Once you've died it can be annoying to watch a 1 versus 1 between two players who don't have a clue.
However, when you have two players who are a little more experienced, those one on ones can be very interesting to watch.
Camping as an Ally is sometimes acceptable. I agree the players who sit at the rocks on the road until they get hunted down will never get anywhere. Same for those who camp the ladder room at the start and won't come out no matter what.
However, there's nothing wrong with a little camping to suss the enemy out.
I've broken the perimeter and checked the player list to see it was me versus one other guy, one i knew who was behind me.
In some cases I'll just run and set the bomb as soon as I can. My opinion is if you do that it puts pressure on the Axis players.
However, this time I cut back and waited in the room on the corner right at the perimeter and waited.
Now some might construe this as camping, but I don't. I call it out-smarting the enemy.
The guy ran headlong into my trap and I killed him before he saw me.
If an Ally uses stealth to trick his enemy, be it by camping or walking, and it works then he deserves to win.
Yeh, sure the objective is to destroy the 88, but the other objective is to be the last alive.
When you're the last one alive you should be able to do whatever you like to stay alive. If that means you wait in the first room until the Axis walks up and gets killed, then so be it.
If an Ally waits until the time runs out, though, it's called cowardice.
No one should complain if they're dead and can't wait until they get to play again. If you were more careful you'd be the last one alive, wouldn't you?