03-08-2003, 06:04 PM
Guys, I swear I'm not kidding about this one! Go to [url:e1e67]http://www.geocities.com/alg8662[/url:e1e67]for a guide on how to get Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Distinguished Service Cross, just by beating "Storming Fort Schmerzen" on EASY!
OMG you can get all those totally useless pictures of medals on the screen just for looking without beating the SP on hard!!! WOW! THAT IS SSSOOO COOL!
Everyone has an oponion on how they sould play this game, Its one thing to
get all the medals the Old Fashion way by earning them and saying that u
were able to do some thing with out using a cheat of any kind. Me i have
played all the Sinlge players in both MOH and in Spear Head and have gotten all the medals with playing the game the way it was suppose to be played. This is just my opion nothing more nothihg less.
i know lots people who cheat at games but, myself i think this is pointless. Why would anyone want to pay £30-£40(i'm in the u.k.) to type in some words and watch an ending or to click a button to kill stuff when you are invincible and are just clicking a mouse button. You might as well not buy the game and just click your mouse button all day it would be much cheaper. Games are already short enough without making them shorter.
the game is to short to justify cheating in sp but the real question is y would you want to cheat and just to earn fake medals and then not realy care about it.