My prayer. -
03-18-2003, 08:01 AM
I'm just making this up on the spot, so bare with me... I'm not a religious man, but, in this case I'll make an exception... because to be quite honest I'm scared to death over what's going to happen, or could happen...
I pray, first and foremost, for the safe return of all service personal, from all countries, be it Australia, America, Great Britain, or yes, even Iraq to their families and loved ones.
I pray secondly, but certainly not less important, for the great majority of the people of Iraq, and that they remain safe, and out of harms way, and that, if they die, it is quick, their suffering painless, and that they can rest easily in the solace that the rest of their families will live on, in a country free from oppression and tyranny.
And lastly, I pray for the entire population, of this little ole place we call earth. And that, through all this bloodshed, and death, and destruction, the world will, hopefully, be a much better place...
::bows head::
If anybody would like to add a personalised prayer to this, you are more than welecome to... Please don't pray that this thread is locked, or that I would stfu... This is serious, and I hope you take it that way.