Driving home tonite.. wolkwagon comes whipping up behind me doing about 90+. Considering I'm doing 60.. anyways.. his highbeams are on.. he tailgates me... tailgates me.. right on my ass for about two miles. I get pissed pull off to the right let them pass.. then I start riding his ass with the high beams. He goes up to about 93 mph lol I still ride his ass. Finally the road starts to turn so he drops to 45.. then the passenger flips me off. There are 5 people in his car. They slam on the brakes and the passenger get out of the car with the guy behind the driver seat gets out.. lol Me and my friend stomped the shit out of the two that walked towards our car and their driver just took off. Man it felt like high school again. pwned.
thats awsome I hate those types of dick heads. What were you in? If it was a larger vehicle and you didnt mind a little money....its called an E-brake evil:
Some van was tailing me at like 85 on the highway, then he puts his brights on and honks his horn. Natual reaction? I stomp on the brakes! He hits me, and we both stop. He gets out and he's like "What the fucks the matter with you, you couldn't slide over, are you a moron?!" So I say calmly: "I'm sorry sir, I couldn't see that well with your brights shining in my eyes, so I slowed down. Shall I call the cops and have them go through an accident report?"
So, he gave me 100 bucks for my scratched plastic bumper, and took off. biggrin:
I was driving home last night from my Interstellar Travel/Cross-Stitch class, when a group of 25 hillbillies in a Ford Escort started tailgating me and flashing their highbeams. I slam on the brakes, sending the Escort with the 6250lbs of man meat slamming into the back bumper of my Cavalier.
I hop out of my car and slay the works of them with a spork from KFC.
I was hovering over the English Channel in my space suit when this Big orange elephant shoves his tusks in my cup holder. I slammed on the breaks, pulled out an elephant gun and offloaded 2 shells into its face.
3 minutes later the NSPCA pulled me over and fined me for cruelty to non-existant animals and told me I was a bad boy.
They then told me to go to hospital and have my stomach pumped of all the acid I had just overdosed on.