yo is it possible to make a mod for snipr trinin like in a field... with a line whee u see birds/or pobject flying across fast but not too fast... then u get to shoot em... and u gt tested on one side for distance then , for short range , speed, etc... maybe sumone can make it ... if u want.
im 3 steps ahead of you! my plane was one tower over a large field and there are running men on the field, sorta like a weaponless battle and you practice sniping them then it rates your skill.I also thought maybe like a foxgole looking into not jagged treees, sorta straight but a forest and then you have people in there you need to snipe. Oh and lastly another idea I had was just a virtual battlefield up top a shooting range below and a shooting range where you can shot at, by a enemy sni[per. Maybe always some stuff with the pistol? and it would give you unlimited clips from like ammo check points but have sorta stupid AI on a unaccessable building top sniping the ammo stands so you gotta dodgre to get yur bullets.... I know this would include AI programming wich is something ive never done (just a little mapping, modeling, skinning) but shud be relatively easy to do right?
(all this after my full auto m1 M16: muahahahahhahahah)
kool i can test it out or help u with stuff. i know photoshop so if u need anythin.. skin/ etc .. sry i cant help u with the animation and coding... i suk at that.
my msn tzejly@hotmail.com
my aol Skarface662