Originally Posted by BucKweEd
and dont take this personally, but I would trust people selling stuff on a forum....
I meant "but I
wouldn't trust people ect ect....."
sorry had to clear that
[quote:15ac6]you'll see a website soon i have a friend setting it up for me
i would sell on ebay for the moment but i don't know what people want and i don't want people bidding i want a set price.
selling online umm... you can view my ebay account to see that i'm good for it, its: Ninoska i know thats not much assurance but it's something. also you can pay through paypal or billpoint in which of you don't get your product you can cancel the payment. and if you live in NYC and are willing to come pick it up money in hand thats fine. but other than that your going to have to trust me i mean were dealing with hundreds of dollars i know your not going to trust sending money off to someone you don't know but you will have my address and phone number so you'll know where i live and you can contact me. whew got carried away.....i'll stop now[/quote:15ac6]
ah ok... well I guess that clears things up.... although I still cant afford it cry: