lmfao and welcome to the forum but uve more chance of catching bin laden without a beard than gettin info like that......we want to stop cheats not incurage them so u gonna get no help here and id change ye name if ur gonna keep usin forum cos uve destroyed your rep b4 its started
well, missunderstanding here -
04-11-2003, 02:18 PM
okay - so this should be a missunderstanding here, like the same post I asked for the objective mode, where everyone has the same modification during the game - that means, where anyone can play in the objective mode, but if you are death, you can play again during the game.
but all other players can do the same thing - so isn´t that called cheating ?
I always thought, that modifications are called cheating ??
sorry for the explaining problems, but my english isn´t the best.
and so I thought I can ask here, where I can find some tutorials, links or anything else for that.
i totally agree with minefeild but he cant change hiss name if a moderator bans him cause its his ip can a moderator put this into action. I HATE CHEATERS
How can I make a cheat where I can do special things and other people can´t do that ?
Basically you want to make a mod where you have abilities that others don't? For example - you have unlimited ammo while everyone else has normal? You can do that sort of thing for one side, but not for one player, and at best it would be called unfair, at worst - bare faced dishonest to god straight up cheating.