Does anyone have this game? Easy and I are planning for a match tommorow but we are behind a fire wall so I don't know if we could join eachothers game. The game is 3 player in MP mode.. anyone?
Yah man, I remember when I was a little kid I looked at it (before I was big into WW2). I couldn't figure out if it was my type of game or not. Then I bought it, and to this day I still play it. Now that is replay factor.
oh man, someone besides me remembers this game! i still have it, I LOVE IT! But i never playeed online with anyone, but that was one fucking great game. But i cant play it on this computer, because whenever I select my team, outfit them with weapons and ammo, then start the battle, the game crashes to my desktop. It was a great game, and i wanna play it!
Indeed, I never beat the SP campaign and the game is so good i had to try it over, and over. I am gonna do it this time. Now that I figured out how to edit people intot he game. So I replaced all of the people wioth people I know. It is awsome. That integration of black people inthe platoon is kind of funny though. The game is pretty realistic when it comes to strategy and weapons, I am surprised they made such an effort to have half the platoon black. I am glad games are rewriting history though, means less racism int he future.