Originally Posted by F0rY0ur3y3s0n7y
You know what, I think you should be banned from these forums, Can you get the point? No one likes you. I stuck up for you once and you replied with a gay sex message. You say gay shit all the time, and you are just plain stupid.
I think you need to be banned for opening up a USELESS flame session. No offense, but I dont see anyone burning down doors to rescue you or showing any fondness for you F0R - whoever the hell you are. Just post yourself and leave the modding to the mods - as "adequate" as they may be (and by they I mean GERARD, SPOOGE, and SOL).
That being said, there are several theories on who killed JFK, and I think it may well be as complicated as STONES movies (NIXON to a degree and JFK) alludes it to be. Most of it seems to deal with The Cubans and American Oil Interests, and considering how valuable oil IS in this world; it isn't neccesarily far-fetched.