Just curious to see how many of you guys paintball
I use a Tippmann 98 Custom with the flatline barrol system. It pretty much kicks ass!
I also use the A5 with the flatline, I was playing today and my squad just totally dominated the field. I was sniping the shit outta them from long range where their balls where hitting me, but not breaking..pissing the hell out of them
paintball is a great sport, i like it more than football =]
i have been playing for paintball for 2 or 3 years now and i have an
automag classic with a 16 inch smart parts teardrop barrel, foregrip, 68 ci nitro tank, rail sight, red dot scope (useless), ans a standard vl200 hopper.. who the hell needs a revvy hoppet anyways??
Yeah I love my Flatline, I just upgraded it to response trigger, so I'm able to shoot more paint out..I was pissing the other team off today.
ALso, Compressed Air is WAY better then Co2 steady rate of fire..I just bought a diver tank for around $100
plus a 68CI for $118
So when I go to war..I play to win..and kick some ass in the process
I used to play alot, but I just recently sold my gun. I had a 98 mag with Smarts Part barrel, venturi bolt, a 12 volt Revy (yes there's a need when you shoot alot) and a 68 ci nitro