05-14-2003, 06:29 AM
- Open pak0.pk3 (located in the \main\ folder of your MoHAA folder) and go to \models\weapons\.
- Extract m3frag_grenade_base.txt and steilhandgranate_base.txt
- Open these files and find the line '//DM Attributes'
- Beneath that line you will find a line 'dmstartammo 6'; change the 6 into a 4.
- Save and close the .txt files.
- Make sure you get the path right; the two files should be in a folder named 'weapons', and that folder should be in a folder named 'models'.
- Compress the folder 'models' containing your modded files to a .zip file (best is to compress it to a file called user_4_grenade_mod.zip or something, the first letter should be after 'p' in the alphabet).
- Rename the .zip to .pk3 and place it in the MoHAA\main\ folder.
- Done.
I prefer WinRAR for creating and extracting .zip (.pk3) files.