Hello all, I'm looking for a serversided mod so I have unlimited nades. If someone could help me get one, create one for me, please mail it to me at pixel@air-clan.net or pm me a link where to download it, thank you! biggrin:
Here is the link to the file for infinite grenades in AlliedAssault. Because there is infinite grenades, the game dosent know you are throwing any, so after you toss the first grenade, the ones after become invisible. I went ahead and fixed that bug for you so now the grenades will show all the time in your hand. Have fun.
You can also check out this topic: [url:e24ab]http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=162450[/url:e24ab]. Set the amount of grenades to, say, 30. 30 is a lot. Not infinite, but a lot. Don't know what the maximum is for MoHAA.
Positive thing about modding it this way is that you can still see the grenades...
Yes but it is for my clanserver, to train some nading now. If I changed it in the settings and stuff, I should change that every war, now it's just removing this mod. biggrin:
If you set the amount to infinite you get the invisible grenades. You have to reverse that effect by not allowing it to hide the skin when you throw the grenade. Its pretty simple.